Our plant has many different size dye capabilities. We can provide services for small programs, and very large programs.
We have a large warehouse, and we often stock our customers blank goods and dye them as you get orders.
Ship your blank goods directly to us from the manufacturer to save freight costs.
We can provide special services as needed. Just let us know.
Pigments - Reactives - Direct Dyes - Sunwashed - Earthtones - and more.
We have a huge library of colors that we have developed, or we can match your color
What do we dye ?
We've done just about everything. T-shirts, socks, high-end dresses, bags, caps, sweatshirts, and just about anything else you can think of.
Quality dyers for over 50 years
Custom Apparel Processing 994 Jefferson Street Fall River, MA 02721
copyright mygarmentdyer.com 2013
T: 508-675-2962 F: 508-675-3081